Please do not come to the rehearsal if
- You have symptoms/feel unwell
- You have tested positive for Covid (lateral flow/PCR test)
- You have been told to self-isolate
- Someone you have close contact with has tested positive
- You are quarantining after a visit abroad
Although we anticipate that everyone will have been double vaccinated, we strongly encourage you to have a lateral flow test on the day of each rehearsal. You can collect a free one from a pharmacy or go to a centre. This is because you can still get Covid even if you are double-jabbed, and may not have symptoms.
Please bring
- Pencil
- Your own hand sanitiser
- Mask
- Your own water or other drink.
- Your music (personal or borrowed copy)
If you give a lift to a singer not in your household, the advice is to wear masks, sit as far apart as possible and open the windows.
Entering the venue
Sanitise your hands on arrival. Please wear a mask and keep it on until you are seated (according to a seating plan, marked with labels on seats, 1 metre apart). Remain socially distanced as you enter. You will be asked sign the register every week.
During rehearsals
Please remain 1 metre apart while you are inside the building. As the back doors will remain open for ventilation, please wear warm clothing. As we will be seated on wooden pews, you may wish to bring a cushion. Rehearsals will comprise two 45-minute sessions, with a 15 minute break, during which we ask you to move away from the singing area if you wish to socialise, wear your mask, and maintain social distance. There will be a one-way system in place for using the toilet.
Leaving the venue
Please leave a row or section at a time. When outside you can enjoy a chat with your fellow singers. Anyone testing positive for Covid 19 after a rehearsal should contact Liz Greenhalgh. She will inform any attendees who have been in close contact and also the venue, maintaining anonymity.
SDCS Committee August 2021